Kat is an oil painter & illustrator who loves working with color, symbolism, and portraiture. Her artistic influences include classical realism (particularly turn-of-the-century Russian realism), surrealism, visionary art, spiritual & religious iconography, architecture & design, as well as many kinds of illustration genres. She has a degree in psychology, and her approach to painting is influenced by a deep interest in the work of Carl Jung. In addition, her work is inspired by a fascination for subjects such as mythology, spirituality, science fiction & fantasy, as well as various symbolic systems such as Tarot and Qabalah. (Long term goal – to paint a Tarot deck!) Prior to taking up painting & illustration, Kat has worked as a graphic designer for the fashion industry, and as a restoration assistant for an architectural restoration & conservation company. Aside from painting and drawing, Kat enjoys traveling, taking lots of pictures, hiking, meditating, geeking out over Doctor Who, and serving feline overlords.