Baptiste Hersoc is a French surrealist painter, born in 1984 in Picardy (France).
From 2003 to 2007, he studied drawing and graphic art at ESAG Penninghen in Paris, culminating in creating a graphic novel about exploring inner worlds.
Between 2013 and 2014, he illustrated two collections of tales and legends, Niger and Lapland, published by Flies France Editions. He would continue to explore this world of tales and legends a decade later (2024) with the Celtic countries for Magellan & Cie Editions.
In 2014, he set up his studio in his birthplace an began to study oil painting techniques the following year. He carried out research on the recipes and materials he introduced into his paintings as well as became interested in painters around the 17th century like Rubens, Velázquez, Rembrandt, Titian and Caravaggio.
At the same time, he developed a cycle of paintings on body themes connected to the psyche called Introspection.
“I combine disparate objects to deliver unusual sensations. This connection through the association of ideas is the language of dreams. In this spirit, I draw visions fruits of everyday life and unconscious life merging. By means of these stagings, I want to show the human psyche echoing the reality of the world around us.“
From 2019 onward, he began to exhibit his painting in American and Australian galleries. (Booth Gallery, Last rites Gallery, Beinart Gallery, Stone Sparrow NYC, Modern Eden Gallery...).